
indentured servants: a neverending story

this is an unfinished blog post from early March -- when I was in Boston, I think:

And leave it to us smart, capitalistic Americans to always be thinking of ways to reinvent the uninventable into marketable items (blankets = snuggies, for low low price of ). Anyway, it will be interesting to see what they do with this. Judging from past failures, relatively speaking (e.g., Star Wars, Indiana Jones (i never saw the latter, but all i had to watch was the South Park episode to understand the magnitude of terribleness)), it probably won't meet expectations, but ... I'm willing to hold out and give it the benefit of the doubt.


I started out really wanting to rave about how much i had forgotten how incredibly, undeniably AWESOME the movie the Neverending Story is.  It was on in my hotel room (ok, yes, i did manually have to change the channel from that awful Here's-What's-Playing!-Straight-To-Your-Room!-Press-*-to-Select-This-Movie!!!), and, like all things that watched in a hotel room, it was a lot more entertaining that it should have been.  

But I feel like I did have somewhat of a valid point.. the knock-out combination of the Deadly Twin Laser Beam Statues, the Big Sad Rock Monster, and the Crazy Tree Wolf (names are interpretive..) is simply entertainment at its best to the now twentysomething viewer whose last impressions have faded and suddenly come to light again. I love 80s anything redux, because it's a god-that-sucks-so-bad-i-love-it love.

And Atreyu and Bastian -- so cute.  It's a shame, though, that cute little kids end up looking like this:
Anyway, I mainly pulled up the blog to report this article likening today's public accountants to indentured servants, which I love because
1. of its utter accuracy
2. the percentages he uses for his first 2 observations are especially spot on, and increasingly so, it seems, at least at PwC.  Brains are secondary to hotness with a dash of ambition and women's lib ("Well, you know, I just, like, love the job security of accounting.  This way, I, you know, like, know I will be able to take care of myself for, like, life. You know, like, kind of like the bond I have with my sorority sisters."  The v. sad thing is that I think I've said this.. at least 5 times before.)
3. It is really amusing to me that KPMG is the LOSER of urban dictionary Big 4 definitions. They really do suck at most everything (and you really do get this twisted sense of pride for your company, no matter how much you have exponentially trended toward slavery... explains a lot of things in life, yeah?)