
in an uptown world

goals since moving uptown:

- procure futon so do not have laborious duty of blowing up air mattress while intoxicated

- strive to convince all friends to also move Uptown, so as eventually to form the Yuppie College-Has-beens Campus. YCHBC.

- try not to look so much like a yuppie when walking past brothers sipping on paper-bagged alcohol

- actually make it to the polls to show undying support of no new property taxes (vote for sales tax! residents shouldn’t be penalized!! and the light rail is NOT a waste! it’s cool, if nothing else.)

- find as many ways possible to get to Alive After 5 without walking past the transportation center (DEATH trap)

- lobby for an Uptown Cook Out (at least a Wendy’s? with frosty’s??)

- overcome fear of hand seats at Bfast club. some call it irrational. I call it innate.

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