
twins?? nice work, abc.

the bachelor. is back. and tonight, among other things, I thought, wow, it is really quite tragic to, all in one and one half hour (though it is my personal game to see how short i can make the episodes, which involves v.precise fast forwarding right at the first hint of chris's "when we return" and resuming play a few seconds after you think you should. I can usually cut out about 1/3 of viewing time):

know that 25 women, who are parading around this random mansion in mostly cheap-looking gowns, are being completely and utterly dehumanized by other (less and more attractive) women all across America who are, like me, sitting on their couches in their dimly lit living rooms eating popcorn and/or pretzels and/or leftovers (and sure, maybe at least one is actually eating bonbons);

watch at least half a dozen women dive headfirst into self-inflicted humiliation… (always the ones in the cheap-looking gowns);

watch at least 1 woman turn into a drunk bumbling idiot (and lose her boobs..);

watch the facial expressions of 10 women discounting their self-worth based on the absence of receiving a silly red dead part of a plant with petals;

watch Chris flounce around like he is the master of some bizarre paradisiacal universe where bachelors rule polygamous random mansions.

so, um, yes, I love this show.

as ‘adults’ who have to pay bills and go to work every day and .. you know, do stuff, we are all allowed our guilty pleasures.

i rationalize many things in life.
i also do not know why i am NOT tired at 1am on a school night.

alas, I am not the 'bach' expert:
HERE for true commentary.

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