

i'm currently watching a commercial for Cialis. i have one of those green, environment-friendly reusable Teeter bags sitting by the door to my condo, full of newspapers, that has been waiting to go out for 3 days. i'm listening to ingrid betancourt speak about how she never thought happiness was possible again.

i was telling joe earlier -- i mean, this is news, kids. after months of "did obama win or did hillary lose?"-esque idiotic headlines (that one really annoyed me), this news story enthralls me! hostages for 5 years - a bona fide kick-ass undercover rescue mission. reunited families. hope floats. so cool.

and those first 2 sentences i wrote have nothing to do with anything, really. just looking around the room, getting fingers on keys.

why does green have to represent environmental goodness? going green. ocean is bigger. how long have we been going green now? what if terrorists decide to adopt green as their official color? will that derail our environmental efforts? will broccoli become the new threatened crop?

god i'm word vomiting like a pro tonight.

does anyone get the cnn t-shirt thing? why would you want a shirt that says, "Cuba sets example for urban farming"? well, i thought about getting (i'd approximate for about -.8 seconds) the t-shirt that said, "asian women seek white, groveling men". back to my previous point - that 'news story' was not a new story.

also, after seeing pictures of the american hostages, i am convinced that the one is the leader of the G.I. Joes. you thought so too.

i am v. happy with life right now. i only mention it because it's been a long time since i think i could have said that. there are many things i have been v. happy with lately, just not life itself. though it still eludes me.

have a safe 4th.
(why spell fourth with a 'u' but forty without? great mystery)

(raiuowre = variation of mine and stephanie's sametime code for vomit)

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