
the best we've got to offer

witness: the best education UT is able to give:
who says psychology is not a good major? 
and no, i do not go to espn.com at work.

ok, so when i was attempting to look for what haynesworth actually did major in, i started my google search with, 'what did.." and got this:
hilarious. apparently, sean avery said this: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20081202161734AAZllCf

freakin hilarious.

and apparently, jesus looked like a monkey.

and apparently, no one cares what albert majored in, only that he stomped that Cowboy in the head. (heck, that's all i know about him.)

and yes, football players are the best UT's got to offer. other alumni include Deana Carter and Cormac McCarthy, who only 'attended' but knew better than to think that a sheet of paper with The University of Tennessee written on it would be of any real worth.

finally, yes, it is a big blow to l's wv that there will not, in fact, be a car czar. the public at least knows where i stand on the issue.

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