

ta da! i have finally made the jump and switched blog spots... Friendster had to go with its obscene advertisements in the middle of my damn posts. Along the side, ok, whatever.. But i am not having michael jackson's face flashing all over the middle of my page! gross! i can't see pictures of him without thinking of little boys.. how jacked up is that?? bastard. you made such good music! your mother must be so ashamed of how you've turned out.

Have been MIA lately -- busy season and no internet and what not (god, if only you knew what "what not" encompasses ... I am limited to what i write for fear of the literate constitution of the audience). Tonight is a brief easing back into blogdom after the sabattical ... Plus I have to iron half my wardrobe so I have something to wear to work. Good times. I hate work clothes. They remind me of work.

By the way, have you ever looked at your teeth? I mean, really taken four fingers and drawn back your lips and looked at them?? you should go find a mirror and try it. so strange... (me
and my teeth, yes)

Oh, and quote of the weekend:
"Muslims, Christians, Hindus... it's all the same god.. We just worship that god in different ways." -Victor, our designated crazy cab driver who LOVES us... and is satisfyingly punctual.

and JIC, my old site

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