I woke up this AM wearing my blazer, Claire's red hoop earrings, and my $2 necklace from Body Shop. somehow i had managed to get my shoes & jeans off... the light was still on... you know how it feels when you get so drunk that you wake up the next morning and feel like you just woke up from being dead for a few hours? yeah, that feeling! that was me this morning. i walked out of my bedroom, and there were chips on the floor by my computer desk, which must not have made the long journey from my hand to my mouth... the culprit bag from which they came was lying next to the mess.. that along with the near-empty bottles of hpnotiq and Burnett's lime vodka, neon straws, and leftover raspberry crystal light in my kitchen created some mix of a homeless person/college freshman look. so sweet. my friends and i are not only super pretty, but also ghetto superstars. yesssssss.
oh man, my body hates me! i have to play tennis in an hour, and i'm praying for rain... just the thought of physical exertion right now makes me want to vomit... i think my Emergen-C is helping a little though... my call log is also v. scary.. i can only hope that i left no horrible messages, but that may be hoping for too much.
anyway, thought i would write something, since, upon reflection, i am a little lucky to still be alive and able to write about it unassisted. i did, however, fall UP the stairs to my apartment (i'm sure if my neighbors had any thoughts of me before, they have been confirmed, and i am now regarded as the ditzy drunk asian girl who falls up stairs), and i did think that kristen was a god for curing my hiccups. i was so amazed. cannot explain to you the extent of my awe (although i did have to be reminded of it today). doesn't take much, folks! just a lot of liquor, some Fuel pizza, and some hiccup curing = pure awe .. and no memory. oh god, what did i do?? say?? must call friends and find out...
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