
where i go ever

you know, right after i wrote that last post, i got one of those stupid drunk urges... kind of what a pregnant woman's hunger pang must feel like: really odd and random but very distinct and real. I decided i really, reallyyy wanted to ride a bike. and i love the saying, 'it's like riding a bike' because it's so true. so my drunk self meandered down to the basement, dug up my old bike, and rode that flat-tired sucker up and down the street once.. then i schlepped it back to where i found it. I guess those few minutes were enough to sate my pregnant desire... or else they were enough to get me out of breath .. damn tennessee hills. I guess the pre-ride margaritas and flat tires didn't help.

anyway. i just watched the scripps spelling bee and was super excited that i knew one of the 'champion's list' words, tmesis. and you are probably thinking, wow, you are an even bigger dork than i thought, first for watching the spelling bee, second for knowing a word, and third for being super excited about it. But the only reason i know it is because i use a variation of tmesis a lot... e.g., abso-fucking-lutely. I just looked on dictionary.com, and they put,

"for example, where I go ever instead of wherever I go."

What?! that doesn't even make any sense. My example is obviously superior.

don't thank me for the linguistic lesson. stay tuned for the next edition of, Learning with Laura.

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