
chicken wing grease

i am off to my tennessee wedding/engagement party/"last day" party extravaganza (today is my little brother's Last Day of high school. he is not graduating; he graduated 4 years ago. but, because of his disability, he went to high school for 4 years post-graduation to.. you know, get the most out of the educational system (read: because the system sucks, and the dolts running it didn't know what else to tell him to do). J (my little brother) is v.v.excited about his "last day". last night he and my dad had a preemptive celebration at Hooters and called me from the "restaurant" to exult over the gigantic amount of chicken wing grease they were able to accumulate on their hands.)

anyway, so i leave you with a small excerpt i read last night in Parade (yes, it takes me until Thursday to read all of the Sunday paper. what about it?) from Sen. Jim Webb's article, for no other reason than i thought it was an interesting viewpoint:

"When you have watched an enemy fight with ferocity and often with honor, you tend to conclude that on some level you have more in common with those you were trying to kill than you do with people who view wars only as an intellectual debate. . .

What has this got to do with the politics of today?

Everything. . .

Elections shouldn't be. . . auctions where a candidate sells himself [sic!] to the highest bidder. They should be moral contracts between those who wish to lead and those who are consenting to be led. . ."

Also, a quote from Ann Curry about her father passing away that i love:

"it is the lesson that is passed from generation to generation: how to live and how to die
with honor
and love."

happy memorial day weekend! go dale! beer! fast cars! yeaauuhhh

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