How portentous is my blog? The morning shows and The Colbert Report just got in a fight. Don’t know the story? Here, I’ll be the reporter. FL Congressman Robert Wexler recently went on the show, and in the interview Stephen points out that Wexler is running in an upcoming uncontested race. So he says, hey let’s have some fun with this. Tell me why you like cocaine. After some prompting, he concedes, and Wexler ends up saying, “I like cocaine because it’s a fun thing to do” along with something about enjoying prostitutes. You can watch it here – it’s really f-ing funny.
Anyway, both the Today Show and GMA actually took it seriously and chastised people for even agreeing to go on the Colbert Report. They then showed a clip where Stephen asks some guy supporting the public display of the 10 commandments to actually name the 10 commandments. The guy goes, “uhh, all of them?? uhhhh… I cant do it.” Then Lauer said something like, “Why do people continue to go on the show? … I guess they think they’re being ‘hip’ or something.”
So the night of his show, Stephen shows a string of clips where the morning newscasters are very seriously saying things like, “What happened to the python in the electric blanket???” and “60% of women wear uncomfortable shoes,” and says, I should have asked Wexler something more like, “Do you really need to wait 30 minutes after you eat to go swimming?” which is a direct quote from Lauer.
What can I say, I love em both. I am the stupid American by day, and laugh at myself by night.
Anyway…. in other news, since I am reporting: I’m obsessed with the Panic! CD (hence, the blog title), I enjoy the new Landon Pigg cd, as well as the new JT song, even if it is completely digitalized, the Kings of Leon CD is definitely growing on me (kind of like, i'm-really-too-cool-to -be-listening-to-anything-else music), and I think I will impale someone if I hear that horrible, whiny Rihanna song one more time.
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